Pozegnanie z Maria_peliplat
Pozegnanie z Maria_peliplat

Pozegnanie z Maria (1993)

None | Poland | Polish | 87 min
Directed by: Filip Zylber

Jewish girl escapes from Ghetto and enters the world of Poles revealing various life attitudes... The dramatic story of human fate, feelings, and passions, which takes place during a period of contempt for all normal values. Love, hate, fear and death, and by their side people's normal existence, filled with compromises, illegal business dealings during the war years. The picture that not only shows in full the system by which people are destroyed, but its results for the human psyche and moral values. It fully exptains how the mechanisms of change are introduced into people, the personal philosophy adopted in order to survive, the neighboring borders between good and evil.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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