A boy cuts himself on a saw. Gore consists of a bloody finger. There is blood some but not that graphic.
Absolutely NOT for kids or teens. Very brutal and disturbing.
A middle aged man and a pre-teen boy frequently duke it out with brutal knock down, drag out fist fights and brawls hurting each other all the time, using and destroying many of the objects in a house. More serious is the violence between a boy and his abusive alcoholic stepfather: when the stepfather tries to show his stepson how to box, a brutal fistfight erupts.
The gruesome violence between the abusive stepfather and stepson comes in all forms, dozens of times. It consists of punches, kicks, shoves, knocking down, dragging out, tackling, poking, slapping, pinching, throwing, hitting, and whipping. More abusive violence also comes by the end, with Dwight almost strangling Toby to death after pinning him down on the floor, as well as hitting with wooden poles and throwing and hitting objects at each other.
One fight scene between two boys involves punching and rolling around in the mud. The boys have a violent knock down, drag out fight, rolling down a hill. The result is a few welts on one of the boy's face.
A woman hits a man over the head with a baseball bat.