Odilon Redon or The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity_peliplat
Odilon Redon or The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity_peliplat

Odilon Redon or The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity (1995)

None | Canada, UK | English | 5 min
Directed by: Guy Maddin

A father and son ride the rails in their powerful locomotive. Witnessing a crash between two other engines, they rescue the lone survivor, Berenice, and make her a part of their family. All is well until the father and son become rivals for the girl's affections and perform a series of dare-devil feats to win her heart. She runs off with a zeppelin pilot, and, after Keller mounts a brief kidnapping attempt, the despondent men are left to their bizarre fates.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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