During the Vietnam sequence, a soldier accidentally steps on a landmine and gets blown to pieces.
A man brutally beats another man in a bar, first hitting him with a pool stick, and then punching and kicking him. His face is very bloody.
A man hits a teenager, holds him down, and presses a knife into his cheek before he is pushed off. A small amount of blood is seen.
A man is thrown out a window and kicked several times before a woman aims a gun at the attacker and threatens him. However the attacker punches the woman and takes the gun and threatens the first man with it.
A war battle scene in Vietnam includes shooting and explosions, as well as several deaths and injuries.
A brief PTSD-induced nightmare includes shocking, bloody images, such as decomposing faces and maggots in wounds.
A man grabs a woman by the throat, pushes her away, and walks off. She pulls him back and he grabs her by the throat again and pushes her away and threatens her.
Strong graphic violence.
Soldiers kill enemies by shooting them in their heads; blood is shown.
A man gets his intestines shot out and his genitals stuffed in his mouth. Extremely disturbing and graphic.
A cop gets shot in the head, with very bloody results.
A man gets run over by a car that would then crash into a brick wall.
In Vietnam, a man decapitates several corpses and keeps the heads as trophies. Graphic and gory.