Una casa en las afueras_peliplat
Una casa en las afueras_peliplat

Una casa en las afueras (1995)

13 (ES) | Spain | Spanish | 97 min
Directed by: Pedro Costa

Daniel is a yuppie hasn't been been able to lead a satisfactory sentimental life. One day he meets Yolanda, a beautiful young woman who has a daughter, Patricia, and who hasn't been very lucky in life either. They decide to get together and they go to live in his house, an old and eerie mansion. Soon enough, their relationship starts to become difficult; the isolation of the house and Daniel's mysterious past transform Yolanda's illusions of happiness into an existence of fear and distrust. Finally Yolanda decides to find out who the person she's living with really is, and in doing so she puts her life and her daughter's at risk...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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