The Thief and the Cobbler_peliplat
The Thief and the Cobbler_peliplat
Play trailer

The Thief and the Cobbler (1993)

G (US) | UK, USA, Canada, Hungary, Ireland, Taiwan | English | 99 min
Directed by: Richard Williams

When Tack upsets ZigZag the Vizier, the wizard drags him off to the royal castle, where Princess YumYum falls for the bashful boy and saves him from execution. Unfortunately, ZigZag plans to marry the Princess in order to succeed her father, King Nod. The Thief, meanwhile, is more interested in gold than love and takes off with the protective orbs topping the palace. Together, Tack and YumYum attempt to retrieve them in order to prevent ZigZag and the One-Eye army from conquering the city.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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