An old lady is violently strangled to death when Johnny puts cling-wrap over her head. He then has the audacity to calmly eat one of her cookies and steal one of her home movies.
Brenda falls from a ladder two stories high and breaks her neck. Johnny excitedly breaks the news to Melissa, saying "well, she was trying to sneak into the house without her parents seeing, and she fell and broke her neck. She gonna be a paraplegic from now on."
Johnny frequently has violent outbursts and destroys objects, mostly dinner plates.
A dead woman is seen in a coffin at a funeral. Later on, Johnny tries to get Cammie to sleep in one of the empty coffins but she refuses.
Johnny harasses an old lady, calling her a witch and saying she's crazy.
Mrs. Rosemont tells Melissa that she suspects that Johnny's mother severely spanked him and abused him until he finally snapped and murdered her. Mrs. Rosemont is later killed by Johnny. He kidnaps her dog, Peaches, and fills a burlap sack with ketchup and a side of beef. He whacks at the sack with a baseball bat and Mrs. Rosemont, believing that it's her dog being squashed to death, has a heart attack and dies. It later turns out that the real Peaches is alive and that Johnny didn't harm the dog at all.
Johnny whacks his father on the head with a golf club, knocking him out. He then places the man in the basement freezer while digging a shallow grave to bury him in. His head, covered in frost, is seen.
Johnny tries to kill Brian by lightning him on fire, but Brian survives the ordeal.
Johnny stalks Melissa and kidnaps Cammie. When Melissa rejects him, he chases after her and tries to kill her with an ax, but the police catch him and arrest him. He screams "I have rights! I'm a kid, you can't touch me!" as he is dragged away (this scene is meant to be more comedic than scary).