Most of the violence is subtle.
A man gets bashed in the ATM by two men with blood flying out. Later, the blood is seen on the window of the ATM.
Strong grisly violence.
A man is stabbed in the shoulder which penetrates his body and sticks into the floor. We see a lot of blood in a puddle on the floor. A woman uses a shoe to pound the knife in further. The most gruesome scene in the film
A man is stabbed through the neck. The knife stick through and blood pouring out. He leaves a large blood puddle on the floor.
Two men are killed offscreen and their bodies fall through an attic door to the ground below.
A dead man's feet and hands are cut off and his teeth knocked out, offscreen (we later see the hands and feet in a small white bag covered in blood)
A man is tortured by having his head held underneath blood in a bathtub (he later drowns)
A woman is punched in the face
A man gets a small cut after being stabbed with a drill. Not graphic but we very little bloody detail on his forehead but doesn't pour out
Some intense fistfights
A man has both of his legs broken with a crow bar.