A group of guards take four boys down a storm tunnel, once they take them to a cellar, one of the guards tell these kids to "Face the wall". They then ask for a "blow job". They then hit kid is hit in the back with a baton and he winces in pain, the guards then start to rape and torture them (screams are heard)
A kid who was shown to be beaten from his father is shown lying in the hospital bed.
A man in a flashback is shown to be kicked from a flight of stairs and shot in the legs at a bathtub.
A kid often hears his parents arguing and/or fighting and once sees his father remove his belt and beat his wife with it. She isn't seen,
One little juvenile boy is heard crying after being abused by one of the guards (offscreen but it is explained by the narration).
A man has a flashback about being raped by guards. He is forced to pray while putting his hands on the table by guards and they pull his pants down, they then start to rape and beat him with a baton telling him to pray louder.
In a football match against the guards, we see people get tackled beaten and even the guards get hit by a black kid. After they win the game the guards get mad and throw the kids in solitary cells to rot and we can see rats and a kid's beaten eye while sitting in his solitary cell wanting to die. We later see them recovering in the hospital and they have just been informed that one of their friends were killed by the guards.
R violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
Graphic violence.
A drug dealer is seen hanging from a street lamp for selling heroin to kids on the street.
There are a few scenes of domestic abuse (they are mostly heard).
A man in a van with a beaten eye is taken to an airfield and shot many times (blood sprays).
An elderly man points a gun at two young men. He tells a third young man to run (we hear the sound of gunshots and it is assumed that the elderly man killed the two).
A kid steals a hot dog from a street vendor making the vendor chase him thus allowing the other boys to raid his cart. They then decide to steal the cart and end up losing control of it at the top of a flight of stairs down into the subway. It careens down the stairs and ends up crushing a man into a wall, injuring, but not killing him.
Two juveniles fight in a cafeteria resulting in bloody faces, a guard stops them.
A guard forces a kid to eat food off the floor, he then beats him with a stick (brutal)
Several young boys are beaten by guards, sometimes onscreen. We hear one of them was beaten to death.
Two men shoot a guy at a restaurant, first in the scrotum, legs and kneecaps, then the arm and head (blood splatters).
A black and white photo with two dead men is shown (blood is present)