One character falls on the floor and is shown nose-bleeding.
The protagonist punches in the face his fan, who is either a maculine woman or a man in drag.
Lot of verbal insulting and threatening.
A man gets face-slapped and beaten with sticks on the street and then is shown with some blood on his face.
A chef bullies, slaps and kicks his employee.
A woman catches a knife with her bare hand, which is then bloody.
Several people are getting threatened with knives and meat cleavers.
A man is threatening another man and woman with a gun. Shooting can be hears, but no injuries are shown.
Some sexualized violence in a Shaolin monastery scene.
Chow gets attacked by bronze-skinned monks in a comical fashion during his attempts to escape the temple. Blood is shown in a non-realistic fashion when Chow is dragged across the floor. The same footage is shown multiple times under three minutes.
Over-the-top action during the final cookout.
A character is shot in the head but no gore or aftermath is shown.