2 attempted rape scenes both lasting a few seconds
A girl attempts to break up a fight but gets hit in the face and suffers from a black eye.
A man pounds himself in the chest to make it look like someone bruised him.
A man carves letters on his body (blood shown).
R violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
Strong graphic violence.
Strong violence and menace particularly towards the end of the film including some graphic images.
A man brutally punches a man in the head from the back and repeatedly kicks him while he's down on the ground.
A woman is threatened sexually in a bathroom.
A man is briefly seen hurting a woman presumably to force her to have sex with him.
A graphic scene shows a dog's severed head being thrown on the floor as a family including a little boy watch and scream in horror (blood is seen).
Intense sequences of terror as a family's home comes under attack.
A man gets a drill cut through his hand, brief, but blood is seen and screaming is heard.
A man gets shot in the back and blood is briefly seen as he falls dead in pain.
Some people are shown getting tied up and gagged.
A man gets run over by a car by a 10 year old boy.
A man gets shot in the head and blood is graphically shown splattering on the wall (brief but graphic.)
A man gets stabbed in the back by a wooden stick. A bloody and open wound is shown as he wheezes for air.
A man is thrown through a window, and lands on a rock to his death.