Pervasive glamourification of violence.
A man kicks at a woman. She catches his foot, and punches him in the nuts.
Strong violence.
A man shoots two other men in the head; brief sight of wounds but no blood.
Two soldiers are shot; wounds are visible but no blood.
Two men are shot; wounds are visible and minimal blood is shown on their clothing.
Numerous people are threatened at gunpoint.
A man enters a train car and shoots another man; blood spurts.
Ryback punches a man in the face; blood spurts out of his mouth and his face is covered with blood. He then slams the man's head into a fridge door, karate chops his neck and throws him out of a door.
A train car is riddled with bullets and three men are killed; their bodies are shown on the floor and blood is visible.
Several bodies with bloody wounds are briefly shown.
A man and woman are threatened with torture.
A man and woman are thrown out of a moving train; the woman lands in a river.
Ryback slits a man's wrist; the wound is shown briefly in close-up, hits him on the head with the handle of the knife and then elbows him in the throat. His bloody body is shown several times.
Ryback grabs a man's arm and shoots him in the head with his own gun; blood and brain matter splatter onto a wall.
Ryback kicks a man onto some train tracks, causing him to get run over by a train; he is shown briefly underneath the train, his face covered in blood.
Ryback shoots a man in the chest; blood spurts.
Ryback shoots a man and his face is shown with bloody bullet wounds in a brief closeup.
Ryback shoots a man in the leg and the bloody wound is briefly shown in closeup. He then throws the man off a moving train.
A woman shoots Ryback; minimal blood.
A man shoots a woman in the knee; some blood.
Ryback makes a homemade bomb which sets two men on fire; they are shown screaming in agony and writhing around before dying and one of them is shot.
Ryback shoots a man with a flare gun, setting him on fire, and then kicks him out of a moving train.
Ryback breaks a man's hands by bending them back; loud crunching is heard, and then kicks him in the face.
Ryback throws a man off a cliff.
Ryback punches a man several times in the face and then slams his head into a cliff; his face is left covered in blood.
Ryback shoots a man's absiel line, sending him falling from a clifftop.
A man shoots another man in the chest; blood spurts.
Ryback throws a man to the floor and breaks his neck by bending his head back; loud crunching is heard.
Ryback karate chops a man in the neck.
Ryback throws a knife into a man's throat; he slowly collapses to the floor and the knife is shown embedded in his neck with blood/gore.
Ryback shoots a man with no blood.
Ryback shoots a man in the chest with some blood.
A man shoots another man with no blood.
Ryback shoots a man in the back of the head; blood/brain matter splatter onto a wall.
A man attacks a gunmen and is shot and riddled with bullets; blood spurts.
Ryback shoots a man in the head with some blood.
Ryback shoots a man in the chest, with blood spurting, and then uses his body as a shield; another man shoots and riddles him with bullets before Ryback also shoots him, with some blood.
A man stabs another man in the throat; a closeup shows the knife embedded in his throat with blood/gore as he collapses to the floor and dies.
A man throws a woman onto the roof of a train.
Ryback wrestles with a man and breaks his arm; loud crunching is heard and then puts him in a chokehold until he dies.
Ryback engages a man in a knife fight and throws him across a table and down some stairs. Ryback then punches and kicks the man repeatedly in the face, breaking his nose and leaving him covered in blood. The man attacks Ryback with a meat cleaved nut Ryback disarms him and breaks his neck; loud crunching is heard.
Ryback shoots a man in the chest; he survives.
Ryback closes a door on a man's hands, cutting his fingers off with gory sight of the severed digits, and he falls into the burning wreckage of a train.