Balance of Power_peliplat
Balance of Power_peliplat
Play trailer

Balance of Power (1996)

R (US) | Canada, USA | English | 92 min
Directed by: Rick Bennett

Martial arts action star, Billy Blanks stars as Niko, a peaceful karate instructor propelled into the bloody, underworld kick-boxing circuit by the murder of a close friend. The man ultimately responsible is Hastishita, an Asian crime lord with a passion for gambling on the city's underground street fights. But, as the date of a multimillion dollar death match approaches, Hastishita's champion has run out of worthy opponents. If Niko can win a series of preliminary matches, he will be allowed into an ancient, subterranean area... where he confronts his friend's killer face to face, fist to fist.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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