There's another large shootout in a street between two groups of people, and several people are shot. There's lots of destruction, and everyone flees as cops arrive.
There's a long car chase, and a fair amount of destruction is present. Men driving the cars shoot guns at each other, and a car with people inside is down up.
There's a long car chase through Paris streets, and the drivers shoot at each other. Eventually, one crashes, and the people inside are seen with blood on their heads.
2 extremely graphic scenes, rest is PG-13 level violence
There's an intense shootout under a bridge between two groups of people. Several men are shot, and a few bloody holes are briefly seen.
We see a man who's neck has been slit from ear-to-ear (his neck and clothing are very bloody). Very graphic.
A man is shot in the forehead; we see a dark hole where the bullet entered and then see him lying in a pool of blood.
A wounded man crawling away from a car is shot and killed. There is some blood on the ground beneath him during the scene.
A man in a car is shot in the head and blood splatters on the window.
A man pours alcohol on a man's very bloody knee; we also see a man cut a man's side open with a scalpel and pull a bullet out with clamps and we hear some squishy noises as the man tries to find the bullet. The camera angle used does not show much detail in what is happening, although there is mirror far away from the camera that does show what is happening. Minimal gore but still disturbing.
A man beats up another man in an apartment, punching him many times.
A man blows up a car with a grenade launcher, sparking a large shootout in a street. He and his group fire at several attackers, and some people are shot.
After a man tackles another, they fall over a railing and tumble down some steps (we see a little blood on one of the men's faces).