The Batty World of Thanasis_peliplat
The Batty World of Thanasis_peliplat

The Batty World of Thanasis (1979)

K-12 (GR) | Greece | Greek | 89 min
Directed by: Dinos Katsouridis

Against the backdrop of a smog-filled Athens at the dawn of 1980, seven bittersweet vignettes of urban folly unfold, portraying the dead-ends of urbanisation and the anxieties of the modern city dweller. In "No Parking", a desperate Athenian is vainly looking for a parking space, while in "The Referee", an incorruptible football referee is having a hard time keeping his integrity. Next, in the "The Porn Film", the projectionist of an adult movie theatre realises that his profession is starting to take a toll on his sex life, and in "Spaghetti", a famished supporting actor learns the hard way that, sometimes, enough is enough. Then, in "Mr Manager", the director of a public hospital gets a taste of his own medicine, and in "The Pallbearers", the owner of a funeral parlour comes face-to-face with the unexpected and the macabre. Lastly, in "Rumours", convinced that his wife is cheating on him, an otherwise loving husband is willing to go to great lengths to prove her guilt.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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