Quite a few executions by electric chair. One is botched.
An inmate attempts to kill a guard by strangulation, and kicks another guard in the process.
A man describes a dog attack which left his son blind, and that he shot the dog afterwards.
Due to a purposefully botched setup, an inmate being executed in the electric chair is zapped for a long time. His body convulses, and flames erupt on his body and under his death hood as he screams. The scene lasts several minutes.
A man cradles the bodies of two dead girls, their hair matted with blood. Their father bloodlessly punches him across the face a few times before he is pulled away.
An antagonist is shot in the chest, some blood and bullet wounds appear on his shirt as he slumps down dead.
A prisoner elbows one guard and chokes another with handcuffs (a bit of blood spurts from his mouth) before bashing his head on the wall, a bit of blood is on their faces. He then kicks an incoming guard in the crotch before another one hits the prisoner twice, knocking him out.
An antagonist hits a prisoner once on the fingers with a billy club, it's later brought up that three of them were broken as a result.