The movie centers around a man that kidnaps his bosses daughter.
There are some bloody gunshot wounds shown, in addition to other injuries.
Several security guards tackle a man and hit him several times until he fires a gun and they back off.
A woman shoots an apple off of a man's head. She attempts to do the same to another man, but he moves and she hits him in the head. This is not shown but we hear him scream.
A woman cuts her arm with a razor blade and lets the blood follow out. A man sees and faints. Not graphic.
A woman holds a gun against a girls head as she robs a bank. No one is injured.
A woman is crushed between a truck and a boulder. There is no gore however and she survives.
A man is threatened at gun point to dig his own grave.
A man and woman are shot in the head. The bullet hole with minor blood is shown a couple times. Minor gore.
A young man throws champagne at a man's face but lands into his eyes. He retaliates by hitting him in the stomach. A woman stops him but he pushes her on the sofa. He headbutts him as he falls to the floor.
R violence type: blood and gore.
Some verbal threats are said by one of the characters.
One cringeworthy scene involves a close up shot of a man driving a scalpel into another man's leg in order to remove a bullet. The man screams in pain, as blood gushes from his leg, the scene is played for laughs though.