8 Man After_peliplat
8 Man After_peliplat
Play trailer

8 Man After (1993)

Unrated (US) | Japan | Japanese, English | 104 min
Directed by: Sumiyoshi Furakawa, Yoriyasu Kogawa

Whatever happened to 8-Man? Why did he suddenly disappear, never to be seen again? This was the question on Sachiko's mind, as she could not forget about that fateful day when she learned the truth. When she found out that Rachiro Azuma (whom she called Azuma-san) was 8-Man, Azuma suddenly disappeared, never to be seen again...or so it seemed. Meanwhile, Sachiko went on with her life without Azuma, working in Public Relations for the Biotechno Corporation. Now, times have changed. Crime has a new face and a new mode. Newer technology has become part of the game, but the number one player is still power. Power is still what high crime is looking for. So what do you do when the criminals are being turned into near-invincible cyborgs? The answer: bring back an old robot crime-fighter, one capable of combating this new threat. 8-Man returns to the scene, but he (like the scene) has also changed. His mind is different, as he has a new host with a completely different set of priorities. 8-Man's new host is a private detective named Hazama Itsuru, a hard-nosed, sometimes violent man who likes to do things his way. So what does that mean when he is 8-Man? In short, he is quick and usually brutal. And since he still remembers his original life, he also remembers his grudges and his old enemies. With such a volatile mind in such a powerful body, what could possibly happen? That is the question that has EVERYONE worried.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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