Black Tulip_peliplat
Black Tulip_peliplat

Black Tulip (1988)

G (US) | Australia | English | 49 min

When a 100,000-guilder contest is announced in 1800s Holland, Cornelius sets about to grow one to win the prize. However, at the same time, the local alchemist, Boxtell, is trying to cast a spell that will give him unlimited power - and 2 of his ingredients must be a fair maiden (Cornelius's girlfriend, Rosa) and a black tulip. Cornelius succeeds in producing a black tulip, but is then arrested for treason for possessing something sent him in the mail - and Boxtell steals his tulip. Cornelius must escape from jail, retrieve his precious flower, and stop Boxtell from completing his spell.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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