The Shielding Shadow_peliplat
The Shielding Shadow_peliplat

The Shielding Shadow (1916)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Louis J. Gasnier, Donald MacKenzie

Episode 1: "The Treasure Trove" Stephen Walcott favors the suit of Sebastian Navarro, a Spaniard, for his daughter Leontine's hand, foreseeing in the marriage a prop to strengthen his tottering fortunes. Leontine is deeply in love with Jerry Carson, a penniless young writer who has taken passage on her father's ship. The ship burns at sea and all are reported lost save the captain and a seaman. Jerry, however, has managed to swim ashore, where he finds in a bottle a manuscript written by a shipwrecked scientist, Matthewson, which gives the location on an island of a buried fortune. Matthewson also writes of some black pellets he has manufactured which will give the finder "power beyond the dreams of all men." Sebastian, thinking Jerry dead, tries to hasten his own marriage by having One Lamp Louie forge a paper which casts a blot on Jerry's memory. Jerry, after many hardships, arrives shortly after the paper is shown to Leontine and her father, and tries to secure it from Diego, Sebastian's brother. During the struggle Diego falls and is killed, his head hitting a heavy desk ornament. The only witness is One Lamp Louie, who sees it through a window. When Jerry is found bending over Diego, he is arrested on a charge of murder, Louie keeping silent, fearing he will be implicated also.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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