The Scarlet Oath_peliplat
The Scarlet Oath_peliplat

The Scarlet Oath (1916)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Frank Powell, Travers Vale

Driven from Russia by the persecution of the police, who had caused the death of his wife, was Ivan Pavloff, a Nihilist, accompanied by his two infant twin daughters Olga and Nina, en route to America in search of freedom. During the voyage Pavloff becomes acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Karenin, wealthy Russians returning from a tour of the Continent, and who had lost their only child while abroad. Mrs. Karenin becomes devoted to Pavloff's little daughter, Nina, and offers to help Pavloff when they arrive in America if he is unable to secure work. After becoming located in America, Pavloff finds that he cannot obtain employment, and goes to the Karenins to seek their aid. He consents to their proposition that they adopt Nina as their own child. Twenty years pass. Pavloff, now an American leader of the Nihilists, has won fame as a writer on Nihilism. His daughter, Olga, now educated, assists him in his work. Olga, through a newspaper discovers that her sister, Nina, is soon to marry John Huntington, connected with the State Department at Washington. As time passes Olga's father is induced to return to Russia and assist in the destruction of Savaroff, Chief of Police. The following day Olga and her father take solemn oath to revenge the death of her mother, and in order that they may not be discovered, or in case of arrest, that one or the other may reach Russia, and thus escape to fulfill their oath, they travel over different routes. They meet in Russia at the appointed time and place and become affiliated with the Nihilists. Back in America John Huntington has received an appointment to the diplomatic post in Warsaw. He pleads with Mr. Karenin to permit the marriage of his adopted daughter, Nina, to himself before he departs for Warsaw. Karenin objects, saying that he has arranged for Mrs. Karenin to tour Europe for the sake of her health, and he wishes Nina to accompany her. But upon their return he will consent to their marriage. A few weeks after Mrs. Karenin has sailed, Huntington receives final notice of his appointment and sails for Warsaw. At a meeting of the Nihilists, held at their headquarters in the Lamond Chateau, final arrangements are made for the killing of the chief. One of Savaroff's spies learns of the meeting and notifies him. The soldiers make a raid on the chateau. Pavloff and Olga are captured. Savaroff tries to secure the secrets of the Nihilists by torturing Pavloff with the horrible death rays. Pavloff refuses to reveal the secrets. Savaroff attracted by Olga's beauty agrees to save her father if she will give herself to him for the night. She finally consents and Pavloff is rewarded. Olga goes to Savaroff's home and awaits his arrival. While there she overhears a conversation between Savaroff's secretary and the Assistant Prefect of Police, and learns that her father has died. Savaroff enters, and she asks him what has become of her father. He tells her that he has recovered. During a struggle in which she pretends to appreciate his embrace, she slabs him to death with a knife. Savaroff having previously given instruction to the guards to permit Olga to leave the palace unmolested, she escapes easily. She goes to the Bristol restaurant, the rendezvous of the Nihilists, to meet Gaganov, a comrade. The same evening, John Huntington, having arrived in Warsaw to undertake his duties at the American Consulate, goes forth on pleasure bent, and drops in at the Bristol restaurant for refreshments. He is recognized by Olga as her sister's fiancé. It immediately occurs to her that if she can convince him of her peril he will aid her to escape to America. Huntington sees her, and knowing that Nina is in Europe, mistakes her for his sweetheart and rushes over to greet her. Instantly she conceives of a scheme to get out of the country without trouble, and permits Huntington to believe that she is Nina. Through this misidentification they escape to America. Meanwhile in Paris, Nina and her mother having failed to locate Huntington, decide to return to America before the holidays. In Warsaw the police are making every effort to locate Olga and send detectives, one to Hamburg and one to Paris. Petrovitch, the spy of the Russian police, on arrival in Paris, mistakes Nina for Olga. He determines to follow her to America and avenge the death of his cousin Savaroff. Amazov, the Hamburg detective, having lost the trail, proceeds to America in the hope of doing his duty after locating Olga. As the story ends the real destroyer of Savaroff pays the penalty, while Nina and her sweetheart are reunited in eternal happiness.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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