An Amateur Orphan_peliplat
An Amateur Orphan_peliplat

An Amateur Orphan (1917)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Van Dyke Brooke

The wealthy Schuyler family hires a strict governess, Quincy, to watch over their daughter Marcia. When the parents leave on a trip to Japan they tell Quincy to send Marcia to a boarding school while they're gone, but Marcia--wanting nothing to do with a boarding school--switches places with Quincy's niece, who is being sent to an orphanage. She is "adopted" by the Benton family, who own a farm. Soon the carefree Marcia begins to have an effect on the dour Benton household--but complications ensue.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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