A Wall Street Tragedy_peliplat
A Wall Street Tragedy_peliplat

A Wall Street Tragedy (1916)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Lawrence Marston

The most powerful enemies of Norton, a mine owner, are Reid and Richard Ranson, brokers. He catches them short during a flurry in copper and forces them to the wall. Reid threatens to kill Norton, but Ranson, the junior partner, plans a more subtle revenge. He is intimate with Yvette, an unscrupulous adventuress, and plans through her to injure Norton. Norton has a daughter, Lois, still at school. His wife is an invalid. The Norton family go to the seashore, followed by Yvette, who succeeds in meeting her prey. On the return to the city Norton is seen frequently with Yvette. She learns that he is planning another killing on the street and so informs Ranson. After a riotous night at Yvette's apartment, Norton's valet is summoned to take him home. Mrs. Norton overhears the telephone conversation and follows the valet. The shock at finding her husband at another woman's house brings about a relapse, and after a short illness she dies. Meantime Lois has become greatly interested in Roy Simms, a young engineer. After her mother's death she returns home only to find that her father has married Yvette. The girl and her stepmother disagree and Lois leaves home. She takes lodgings in a cheap boarding house. Yvette gets control of Norton's property, and when he is ruined in Wall Street turns him from the house. Yvette, desirous of ruining Lois as she did her father, sets an underworld character known as "The Rat" on her trail with orders to abduct her when found. She is pursued, and when about to be caught is saved by her father, now a derelict. Roy Simms learns of the misfortune which has befallen his sweetheart and hastens to her side. Norton is forgiven and they all go back west where the elder man rehabilitates himself. Ranson and Yvette meet their just fate, the former is shot by the woman during a quarrel and she is arrested on a charge of murder.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
A Wall Street Tragedy
(Original title)
A Wall Street Tragedy
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes