The Fighting Hope_peliplat
The Fighting Hope_peliplat

The Fighting Hope (1915)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: George Melford

Anna Granger's husband commits a fraud at the bank where he works and is condemned to pay the penalty of a jail sentence. In the hope of proving his innocence she goes to work, under an assumed name, for the President of the closed bank. This man is now indicted himself, though unjustly, and employs detectives who finally unearth a letter positively establishing the guilt of Granger. In spite of everything, Anna remains faithful until she learns that the theft her husband committed was to get money for another woman. Then comes a sudden climax which puts an end to a situation which she could not possibly endure.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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