The Iron Strain_peliplat
The Iron Strain_peliplat

The Iron Strain (1915)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: Reginald Barker

When San Francisco social butterfly Octavia Van Ness falls into decline, on a physician's advice her grandfather, mining king Ezra Whitney, takes her to Alaska, hoping that she will regain health and find a mate more suitable than the gilded youths of the California city. In the far north they meet "Chuck" Hemingway, whom the girl supposes to be a "sourdough," but whom the grandfather recognizes as a young collegian from the east. When she rejects Hemingway's advances, the caveman instinct wakens within him. The day before she is to return to civilization, Hemingway kidnaps her, enters into a forced marriage with her, and installs her in his cabin--where she suffers no more harm than if she were with her mother. Six months later, Octavia is now well and strong and rejoices in housework, but is still antagonist to Chuck. When Kitty Malloy, the queen of the Arctic Cabaret, suddenly arrives in the city, Octavia's jealousy is excited. She realizes his true worth and for the first time loves her husband. They return to California, where they are united with Octavia's family.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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