The Masqueraders_peliplat
The Masqueraders_peliplat

The Masqueraders (1915)

None | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: James Kirkwood

David Remon loves barmaid Dulcie, not by choice but by force of circumstances, and attempts to persuade her to marry him rather than submit to a life of drudgery. But Dulcie is thoroughly independent and prefers to earn her own living. Life at the inn, however, soon becomes irksome to Dulcie, who grows so tired of it that she is ready to accept the first wealthy man who proposes to her. A charity auction is held at the inn, to help the family of a poor man and Dulcie auctions off a kiss. David, bent upon preventing anyone from kissing her in public bids every cent he has in the effort to gain the prize himself. But Sir Brice, a bon vivant, doubles his offering and adds his hand in the bargain. Dulcie accepts the proposal, but soon finds that her husband, when under the influence of liquor, is a very ugly tempered man. As the years drag on, Sir Brice becomes more and more intolerable, until at last he openly humiliates Dulcie and insults her guests at a reception. He demands that someone gamble with him, and grows abusive when they refuse. Finally, David, who has remained faithful to Dulcie through all the years, in a desperate game, stakes his entire fortune against Dulcie herself. Sir Brice is penniless, having squandered his fortune, and he gladly offers his wife as the prize. After a nerve-wracking battle of wits, David wins. It is not before Dulcie, thoroughly disillusioned, accepts the verdict of the god of chance and finds a new happiness with the man whose love has remained constant.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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