The Song of the Wage Slave_peliplat
The Song of the Wage Slave_peliplat

The Song of the Wage Slave (1915)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Herbert Blaché, Alice Guy

Ned Lane, a worker in a great paper mill and a man of unusual strength and nobility of character, loves Mildred Hale, a poor girl, whose father is employed in the same mill. His love is not returned, however, for Mildred has already lost her heart to Frank Dawson, the dashing young son of the millionaire manufacturer, who owns the mill. Through the machinations of Frank's father the match is broken off and Frank is sent away. Mildred's honor is compromised and Ned, in a spirit of generosity and because of his great love for her, offers to marry her to save her name and reputation. Soon after the marriage, Frank's father is killed in an accident. Frank becomes his own master, and knowing nothing of Mildred's marriage to Ned. returns to fulfill his duty by giving her his name. When Ned learns of this, realizing that Mildred can never love him and that Frank Dawson should be her lawful husband, he decides to disappear in order that she may be free to wed again. He vanishes and arranges it so that he is believed to be dead. After roughing it in various parts of the world, ceaselessly working and creating wealth for others, Ned finally becomes a leader of an association of mill hands. The organization is strongest in a large paper mill, controlled by the paper trust, the invisible head of which is Frank Dawson, a fact which Ned does not know. Labor difficulties become acute, chiefly engineered by Ned, who seeks to serve the cause of Labor to which he has devoted his life. After a series of intense situations, Frank, Mildred and Ned are brought face to face. Mildred is driven to desperation and the others to despair. Finally to save Mildred's life, Ned sacrifices his own.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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