The Mystery of the Poison Pool_peliplat
The Mystery of the Poison Pool_peliplat

The Mystery of the Poison Pool (1914)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: James Gordon

Joe Cameron, the diamond prospector, who has just been captured by a wandering band of cannibals, soon realizes that his life is about to come to an abrupt close, and in desperate hope that there may yet be a chance of rescue, he takes from around his neck his mother's locket, hangs it on a bush and is dragged away by the exulting natives. Corporal Walton, a member of His Majesty's Mounted Patrol, comes upon the locket, and following the trail of the savages, attempts at night fall a heroically and cleverly conceived rescue, by lowering a rope over the large cliff. As Cameron starts to climb, an immense python crawls to the rope and starts down. With the savages below and the snake above, there seems no hope, but Walton, ever resourceful, shoots the snake in the head. Joe Cameron flees one way, and Walton escapes from the pursuing savages on horseback. A year later, Cameron, still the hard-drinking, wandering prospector, comes into the little African village of Ubangi, where he is softened for the first time in his life by the tender influence of Dorothy, the little village missionary. When Cameron sees a huge diamond a prospector has brought in, he is about to stab the man, to steal the stone, but the thought of Dorothy restrains him. Later Dorothy comes upon the murdered form of Cameron's guest. Dorothy cannot believe him guilty of this dastardly crime, but the circumstantial evidence is so strong against Cameron that, rather than face his chances of death, he makes good his escape. The Forest Patrol pursue him, and Walton, never having recognized the man whom he saved a year before, runs him down in the brush and starts, with his prisoner handcuffed to him, on the journey back to Ubangi. Cameron seizes his opportunity, and rolls with his captor down an immense embankment. Walton's leg is strained. Cameron, while releasing himself from the handcuffs, discovers in Walton's pocket his mother's locket that he had left as a forlorn hope a year before. Then Walton shows him Dorothy's glove and tells him of their mutual love. Our heretofore stony-hearted prospector, raised by love to the greatest sacrifice a human being can make, starts to carry Walton back to the village for Dorothy's sake. He gives him his last drop of water, and when they come upon a limpid pool glowing in the sunlight, they are both about to drink, when Cameron discovers that it is one of Africa's horrors, a natural poison pool. In a desperate struggle, at the brink of death, he knocks out the now delirious Walton, and with his unconscious form resumes his struggling journey back to civilization. Under arrest in Ubangi, he remains mute to all except Dorothy, and she, convinced of his love for her by his sacrifice, starts for headquarters to intercede in his behalf. On her way she comes across the real murderer, killed by the Mysterious Poison Pool, and with the evidence of the recovered diamond hastens on to headquarters. Snatching the order for Cameron's release she reaches the firing squad just as the command is to be given, and saves her lover. Cameron, a changed and softened man, begins a new life with the woman of his dreams.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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