Colonel Carter of Cartersville_peliplat
Colonel Carter of Cartersville_peliplat

Colonel Carter of Cartersville (1915)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Howell Hansel

Before the Civil War, two young people contract a secret marriage. They are Nancy Carter and Robert Gill. Nancy's father has objected to Robert because of his drinking habits. Robert pledges Nancy to drink no more. While their marriage is still a secret he forces his way into the Carter drawing room at a time when it is crowded with guests and blurts out the secret that Nancy is his wife, insisting that she go with him. The next day in a repentant state of mind, Robert rides his horse beneath the window of Nancy's room and pleads for her forgiveness. She cannot forgive. He draws a pistol, fires a bullet into his own heart and drops from his horse, dead. Years later, Nancy Gill and her daughter Laura, now 16, are living at the home of Col. Carter, in Virginia, at a time when the Civil War is in its final stages. Col. Carter is in command of a Confederate regiment. He is the nephew of Nancy Gill. The two armies are forming their lines for a battle near Col. Carter's home. He leaves his command and goes home to protect it against a raiding party, which has been sent out by the northern army. The raiding party arrives before he leaves. He hides in the shrubbery near the house. The raiding party is commanded by Lieut. Tom Klutchem. Laura appeals to him to spare their home. These two young people fall in love at first sight. The home is not destroyed. Col. Carter had witnessed what has taken place between them. In the war, Lieut. Klutchem is wounded and Laura nurses him. At the end of the war. Col. Carter endeavors to persuade Mr. Klutchem, Sr., to finance a railroad scheme, and only succeeds in doing so after quarreling with him. Laura and Tom Klutchem become engaged and are married, and Col. Carter is made happy by the presentation to him by Aunt Nancy of land upon which there is coal. Then Mr. Klutchem agrees to finance the railroad.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Colonel Carter of Cartersville
(Original title)
Colonel Carter of Cartersville
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes