The Call of the Dance_peliplat
The Call of the Dance_peliplat

The Call of the Dance (1915)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: George L. Sargent

Jim Hall tries to discourage his daughter Natalie's love of dancing, but the girl finds a warm friend in old Carlo, a musician. Natalie's beauty attracts Brace's attention. At the latter's orders, Spud Howell kidnaps the girl. Hall, attempting to interfere, is slain. Marston, assistant district attorney, is ignorant of the fact that his uncle, Fisk, is the head of the vice ring. Marston discovers Natalie's predicament and rescues her. Falling in love with the girl, he obtains a position for her in a friend's office. Natalie resigns when her employer later makes love to her. The girl lands a position in the chorus of a musical comedy company. Her dancing attracts the manager's attention and when the principal falls ill, Natalie takes her place. The girl's wonderful dancing makes her famous. Marston, who had lost track of Natalie, finds her again when he visits the theater. Fisk, madly in love with the girl, invites her to a dinner he is giving. Carlo, employed at the restaurant where this function is held, recognizes in Fisk the man who had blasted his life. When Natalie and Fisk's friends accompany the man to his apartment, Carlo follows. Marston trails the party in an auto. Later, Fisk contrives to get Natalie alone. Marston, hearing the girl's cries for help, batters down the door. He comes in time to see Carlo, who had climbed through a window, shoot the girl's assailant. Brace, in coming to his master's assistance, shoots at Marston but misses and kills Carlo. While the murderer is placed under arrest, Marston takes Natalie in his arms.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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