
Testimony (1920)

U (GB) | UK | None, English |
Directed by: Guy Newall

Althea May, the pretty new school teacher of Dene village, captures the heart of Gillian Lyons, a young farmer. They marry, to the displeasure of Gillian's mother, who has picked out a wife for her son, trained in housewifery. Althea is ignorant of the duties of a farmer's wife, and cares less. When her baby comes a bitter quarrel over the child's care results in the grandmother leaving the house. From want of proper care the baby sickens. The grandmother is summoned, but too late to save it. The elder woman then takes charge of the house and Althea is relegated to second place. A letter from her uncle, who returns from America with a fortune, decides Althea. Without letting him know of her marriage, she goes to live with him as his heiress. The truth comes out when a young aristocrat, with her uncle's sanction, asks Althea to become his wife. She is turned out and goes back to Dene. Their sufferings have softened the two women. When Gillian returns from his search for Althea, the reconciliation is complete.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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