Shore Acres_peliplat
Shore Acres_peliplat

Shore Acres (1920)

None | USA | None | 60 min
Directed by: Rex Ingram

Brothers Nat and Martin Berry have shared the farm at Shore Acres and attended to the lighthouse on the rocky coast for many years until banker Josiah Blake induces Martin to speculate in oil, lending him the money and taking a mortgage on the farm as security. When Martin loses his money, Blake suggests that he would overlook the debt in exchange for the hand of Martin's daughter Helen in marriage. However, Helen is in love with clerk Sam Warren, and with Nat's help, the couple escape Helen's arranged marriage. Boarding a vessel obtained for them by Nat, they sail out to sea when a storm hits. Martin, enraged by their betrayal, refuses to rekindle the lantern in the lighthouse, and the couple's boat crashes into a reef. The next morning Martin, filled with remorse, discovers the couple clinging to the wreckage, and the family is happily reunited.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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