Beach of Dreams_peliplat
Beach of Dreams_peliplat

Beach of Dreams (1921)

None | USA | None | 50 min
Directed by: William Parke

Parisian society girl Cleo de Bromsart is bored with her life and accepts an invitation from Prince Selm to join his yachting party. The cruise ends in disaster, and Cleo is stranded on a desert island with two sailors. One drowns in quicksand, and Cleo kills the other when he tries to rape her. Several weeks later, a derelict named Jack Raft is washed ashore and nurses the ailing woman back to health. Jack then effects their rescue by overpowering a gang of Chinese seal poachers. Upon her return to Paris, France, Cleo must choose between her fiancé, whom her parents approve, and Jack, whom she has grown to respect, and decides not to marry either.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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