A Full House_peliplat
A Full House_peliplat

A Full House (1920)

U (GB) | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: James Cruze

Lawyer George Howell leaves his bride Ottilie on their wedding day, having promised client Ned Pembroke that he would procure some old love letters from Vera Vernon, a chorus girl with whom Ned was formerly infatuated. George is detained for three days, and when he returns, Ottilie finds jewels and burglar's tools in her husband's suitcase which leads her to suspect that he is a thief. Susie, the maid, sees the jewels and decides to earn the reward for their return. In the meantime, King, the real thief, turns up with George's grip, the latter having taken his by mistake. Susie calls the police, who refuse to allow anyone to leave the house. King is detained along with everyone else, and after a series of misadventures, the real thief is apprehended, Ottilie is convinced of her husband's innocence, the letters are restored to Ned and all ends happily.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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