Out of a Clear Sky_peliplat
Out of a Clear Sky_peliplat

Out of a Clear Sky (1918)

None | USA | None | 50 min
Directed by: Marshall Neilan

Among the many interesting scenes pictured in Marguerite Clark's Paramount photoplay, "Out of a Clear Sky,' is a reproduction of the famous Palais Gruuthuse in Bruges, Belgium, known to thousands of American tourists who visited the celebrated resort before the Great War. The early scenes of the photoplay transpire in Belgium and the Palais is the scene of a notable gathering which is to exert a powerful influence upon the fate of Celeste, Countess of Bersek and Grymn, niece of a Belgian who seeks to marry her to a German prince in order to strengthen his political relations with Germany. She refuses to be converted into a pawn of state and escapes to the United States where she has many interesting adventures before she relinquishes her high social status and learns to love a breezy westerner. Another splendid set shows the interior of a cabin in the Tennessee mountains, with its spacious fireplace and old fashioned furniture. It is here that Robert Lawrence, the handsome young westerner portrayed by Thomas Meighan, finds Celeste after he had been led to believe that she has been burned to death in another cabin in which he had previously left her and which is destroyed by a blast of lightning in her absence. - Paramount Press, September 1918.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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