Lest We Forget_peliplat
Lest We Forget_peliplat

Lest We Forget (1918)

None | USA | None, English | 70 min
Directed by: Léonce Perret

Rita Heriot is a French opera singer who becomes engaged to Harry Winslow wealthy American. The singer is also loved by Baron von Bergen, a Germa: diplomat, who is supposed to be a friend of Winslow's but is far less honorable in his intentions toward Rita. Returning to France with her mother to spend the summer at the little village where she was born, Rita is drawn into the vortex of the great war. She is caught by German troops sending messages to help her native land and is sentenced to be shot. Word is brought to Winslow that the order has been carried out. He hurries to France and enlists in the French service that he may do all in his power to avenge the murder of his sweetheart. Rita escapes execution by a miracle and succeeds in getting back to the United States. Here she meets the Baron again. When she tells him of an offer she has to sing in England he begs her not to sail on the Lusitania and assures her he knows it will never reach the other side. The sinking of the ship is lead up to with absorbing detail and the great horror is shown with realism. At the finish the lovers are united, after Winslow has displayed an entirely unexpected lack of confidence in the woman he is supposed to trust.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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