Sunshine Alley_peliplat
Sunshine Alley_peliplat

Sunshine Alley (1917)

None | USA | None | 60 min
Directed by: John W. Noble

In the poorest section of the city lives Nell, who spends her days at her grandfather's bird store, finding constant delight in the companionship of her feathered friends. One day Nell's grandfather is run over by a car driven by Mr. Morris, a millionaire, who offers to purchase a bullfinch at a large price in order to forestall a damage suit. When Nell's grandfather refuses to sell because the bird is his granddaughter's pet, the Morris' son Ned, impressed with Nell's charm, tells her to call if she is ever in need of assistance. It soon becomes evident that her grandfather is in need of expensive medical care, so Nell calls Ned and offers to sell the bird. Later the finch becomes ill and Nell is summoned to treat it. While she is at the house, Nell and Ned fall in love. Nell's happiness is clouded, however, when her misguided brother Carlo attempts to rob the Morris house. All ends happily, however, when through Nell's and Ned's devotion, Carlo is reformed and the grandfather receives the care he needs.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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