A Soul Without Windows_peliplat
A Soul Without Windows_peliplat

A Soul Without Windows (1918)

None | USA | None | 50 min
Directed by: Travers Vale

When a woman becomes ill and dies on a journey through Pennsylvania with her little daughter, the girl is adopted by a local group of Shakers. In a nearby village, Scott Mallory becomes paralyzed while trying to save his fiancée, Faith Palmer, from drowning, but she loses interest in him and breaks the engagement, leaving him broken and bitter. Scott and Hopama, the Shaker girl, are brought together when Mrs. Mallory, on a visit to the Shaker community, offers to adopt the girl, whose high spirits and love of music are considered sinful by the sect. Under Hopama's influence, Scott regains his faith in life, and later a famous surgeon cures his paralysis. Because Hopama's background is unknown, however, Mrs. Mallory resolves to thwart the romance and tells her that Scott still loves Faith. Bewildered, Hopama runs away and becomes a famous violinist. Scott finds her and professes his love, and Mrs. Mallory, having learned that Hopama is actually Hope Palmer, Faith's sister, finally blesses her son's marriage.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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