Heads Win_peliplat
Heads Win_peliplat

Heads Win (1919)

None | USA | None, English | 60 min
Directed by: Preston Kendall

"Heads Win" tells the story of Jim Godfrey, who was employed in a humble capacity at the works of the Goliath Electric Company at Springfield, N. J. When he sought to advance himself to an assistant foreman-ship he was rejected because of his lack of knowledge of any useful occupation. He lost his temper when he was "turned down," was dismissed from his position, and when he sought a new one, found many doors closed to him because he was incompetent to perform skilled work. His wife induced him to take a course with the I. C. S. Electrical Engineering was his selection, and he studied so faithfully and so well that while acquiring information he was returned to his old position at the Goliath works and became efficient at his unimportant task. His industry and growing efficiency attracted attention and he was made assistant foreman. While holding this place his opportunity came when there was a break in the machinery of a great drawbridge, electrically controlled. There was need of immediate service and this was performed by the assistant foreman, who, fortified by his course in electrical engineering, found the source of trouble, corrected it and won for himself the assistant superintendency of the mammoth plant at which he was employed.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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