Might and the Man_peliplat
Might and the Man_peliplat

Might and the Man (1917)

None | USA | None |
Directed by: Edward Dillon

McFadden is a trainer in Clancy's sanitarium, to which Hiram Sloan, a multi-millionaire steel manufacturer, comes to recuperate. Sloan expects Government plans of a submarine destroyer, which is to be built at his plant. Billings, an emissary of a foreign power, comes to the sanitarium for the purpose of stealing these plans. Learning that the documents are on the way, Sloan returns to his home, taking McFadden with him to serve as his trainer. Billings asks to call at the house to continue exercise under McFadden. Subsequently, the lives of Sloan and his daughter are endangered by the spy's attempts to gain the Government secrets, but McFadden succeeds in frustrating these. The spies are arrested and thrown into prison.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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