The Long Trail_peliplat
The Long Trail_peliplat

The Long Trail (1917)

None | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: Howell Hansel

Andre Dubois, a lonely trapper living high atop a snow-covered mountain, unwittingly comprises Louise Graham, a young girl from the city, when he shelters her in his cabin through the night of a heavy blizzard. After Louise's fiancé forsakes her for her innocent act of seeking refuge from the storm, Andre insists upon marrying her and takes her to his cabin where he lives only as her protector. One day, Louise's profligate brother Paul arrives, fleeing from a murder charge, and Andre recognizes him as the man who betrayed his sister Mitchette. Although sworn to vengeance, Andrew allows Paul to escape. Touched that Andre has renounced his pledge for her sake, Louise begins to feel a spark of love for her husband, and gradually her gratitude blossoms into a genuine love for the man who saved her.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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