Across the Deadline_peliplat
Across the Deadline_peliplat

Across the Deadline (1925)

None | USA | None, English |
Directed by: Leo D. Maloney

Like Romeo and Juliet, Shirley Revelle and Clem Wainright fall in love despite a thirty-year-old feud between their families. Clem's rival, Ben Larrago, informs Shirley's father that they are seeing each other. Mr. Revelle forbids Shirley to see Clem, and Clem spunkily rides his horse across the property line of the Revelle ranch. Shirley's brother Rance is so furious he wants to shoot Clem on the spot, but obeys their father when he orders him not to. Mr. Revelle forces forces Clem to ride off, but Rance shoots at him from ambush. Clem is not hurt; Rance, however, takes one of Clem's bullets in the arm. When a stagecoach is held up by Larrago and Shifty Sands, the sheriff uses Rance's wound to accuse Rance of the robbery. He is about to be lynched by an angry mob, when Clem stops the hanging and clears Rance of all suspicion of guilt by pointing out that he himself had wounded Rance before the time of the holdup.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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