The Lady Who Lied_peliplat
The Lady Who Lied_peliplat

The Lady Who Lied (1925)

None | USA | None, English | 80 min
Directed by: Edwin Carewe

When Fay Kennion finds her fiancé, Horace Pierpont, in an innocent but apparently compromising situation with another woman, she breaks their engagement and marries instead Alan Mortimer, a weak and alcoholic physician practicing in Algeria. Pierpont later goes on a safari and persuades Fay and the doctor to accompany him as his guests. Despite genuine attempts to remain apart, Pierpont and Fay find themselves together more and more, and Mortimer eventually discovers them in a passionate embrace. Pierpont is later bitten by a snake, and Mortimer alone can save him. Mortimer at first refuses, but Fay, deeply in love with Pierpont, feigns love for her own husband and promises to return with him to Algeria if he will help Pierpont. Mortimer finally agrees and tends the other's wounds, saving Pierpont's life. On the trip back, the caravan is attacked by bandits; Mortimer is killed; and Fay and Pierpont are free to find happiness together.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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