The Last Edition_peliplat
The Last Edition_peliplat

The Last Edition (1925)

Passed (US) | USA | None, English | 70 min
Directed by: Emory Johnson

The assistant foreman of the San Francisco Chronicle press-room, Tom MacDonald is passed over for the post of foreman in favor of a younger man. He gains satisfaction, though, when his son, Ray, obtains a good job in the district attorney's office. Reporter Clarence Walker, in love with MacDonald's daughter, Polly, is sent to obtain evidence against notorious bootlegger Sam Blotz, who is protected by Assistant District Attorney Gerald Fuller. Blotz and Fuller frame Ray to put Walker off their track. Although his conscience bothers him, Walker reports the story in time for the last edition. MacDonald attempts to stop the presses, and when Blotz's henchman, "Red" Moran, blows up the building, MacDonald is blamed and put in jail with his son. Walker eventually uncovers evidence exonerating the father and son, MacDonald is made foreman, and a new newspaper plant is built.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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