The Prairie Mystery_peliplat
The Prairie Mystery_peliplat

The Prairie Mystery (1923)

Passed (US) | USA | English | 60 min
Directed by: George Edwardes-Hall

While en route through the western prairies an attack is made upon a wagon train of settlers by a band of bandits. Rescue comes, but too late, for all but two of the wagon party, a young boy and girl, have been slain. They are adopted by Jim Holmes who led the rescue. Years pass and the young girl has grown to womanhood and Jim falls in love with her. She consents when he asks her to become his wife, although her heart is already given to the other survivor. Cattle rustlers raid the settlement and Jim is accused of being the gang leader. Later it develops that the leader is a woman and Jim is cleared. He realizes that the girl he loves has bestowed her affections on the young companion of her childhood and he goes away, leaving them his ranch and to each other.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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