Polly of the Follies_peliplat
Polly of the Follies_peliplat

Polly of the Follies (1922)

Passed (US) | USA | None, English | 70 min
Directed by: John Emerson

Mrs. Jones of Long Island, in her struggle for social recognition, is anxious for her son Bob to marry Alysia Potter. At a party, Bob and Alysia, under the influence of alcohol, decide to elope and go to Bowling Green, Connecticut, where Silas Meacham has begun a campaign against motion pictures. While waiting for the justice of the peace, Bob and Alysia see Polly Meacham staging "The Way to a Man's Heart." Mr. and Mrs. Jones, their daughter Hattie, and Mr. Potter arrive on the trail of the elopers and persuade them to wait 6 months before marriage. On Bob's advice Polly comes to New York and gets a place with the Ziegfeld Follies, but her debut is spoiled by stage fright. Alysia replaces her and is a success, and while Bob is trying to console Polly, Alysia announces that she is breaking the engagement so as to leave Bob and Polly free to wed.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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