Why Announce Your Marriage?_peliplat
Why Announce Your Marriage?_peliplat

Why Announce Your Marriage? (1922)

None | USA | None | 50 min
Directed by: Alan Crosland

Arline Mayfair, a successful illustrator, though in love with Jimmy Winthrop, fears that marriage would impair her career. While aiding another young couple to elope, however, Arline and Jimmy decide to marry secretly. When some of Jimmy's garments are found in Arline's studio by visitors, a scandal develops and friends go to Jimmy with the intention of warning him, only to find some incriminating lingerie in his bedroom. Arline decides to leave for the country, and Jimmy follows to her cottage. A burglar from a nearby hotel is chased by an intoxicated guest to Arline's house, and the pursuing crowd find Arline and Jim en deshabille; the embarrassing situation is cleared up when the intoxicated gentleman discovers their marriage license.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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