The Song of Love_peliplat
The Song of Love_peliplat

The Song of Love (1923)

None | USA | None, English | 80 min
Directed by: Chester M. Franklin, Frances Marion

Ramlika, an Arab chief in Algeria, has plans to drive out the French and crown himself king of North Africa. Noorma-hal, a dancing girl whom he would like to marry, detests Ramlika but is instructed by her uncle, Chandra-lal, to lead him on. The French sense trouble among the Arabs and send for famous spy Raymon Valverde to learn the Arabs' plans. Arriving incognito, Valverde charms Noorma-hal, causing her to disclose the plans for the rebellion. When Ramlika leads the attack on the French garrison, Valverde, who is prepared for the attack but has no troops, fights single-handed until Noorma-hal arrives and offers to sacrifice her life if Ramlika frees Valverde. Then, rather than go with Ramlika, Noorma-hal shoots herself. Fortunately, French troops arrive and kill Ramlika. Noorma-hal recovers.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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