The Spenders_peliplat
The Spenders_peliplat

The Spenders (1921)

None | USA | None | 60 min
Directed by: Jack Conway

The Bines family of Montana City comes into money on the death of millionaire builder Daniel J. Bines. Daniel's son and daughter, Percy and Psyche, want to move to New York City to experience life, and Percy's interest in New York increases when he meets Avice Milbrey, who is passing through Montana City in the private car of Wall Street financier Rulon Shepler. Over the objections of Uncle Peter Bines, the founder of the fortune, the rest of the family leaves for New York, where the malevolent Shepler, jealous of Avice's interest in Percy, devises a plan to ruin Percy financially and destroy his moral reputation. Uncle Peter gets wind of this plot and heads to New York, where he hedges Percy's bad investments and amasses enough money to free Avice's father from his obligations to Shepler. When the financial crash comes, Percy, believing himself to be bankrupt, takes a job in a garage, but Uncle Peter's gamble pays off and restores the Bines fortune. Percy marries Avice, Psyche is united with her English sweetheart Lord Mauburn, and all head back to the serenity of Montana City.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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