Such a Little Queen_peliplat
Such a Little Queen_peliplat

Such a Little Queen (1921)

U (GB) | USA | None, English | 50 min
Directed by: George Fawcett

Queen Anne of Gzbfernigambia, who is betrothed to King Stephen of Hetland, flees to the United States with Baron Cosaco when a revolution breaks out in her country. In New York City, they are befriended by breezy young Bob Trainor, office manager for wealthy meat packer Adolph Lawton, who finds them an apartment on the East Side, where the queen awkwardly attempts to do her own housekeeping. Although Adolph is eager to marry his daughter, Elizabeth, to royalty, she is in love with Bob and becomes jealous of the exiled queen. The arrival of King Stephen revives the royal courtship, however, and after a loan from Adolph enables the monarchs to pay their national debts and unite the two kingdoms, Elizabeth and Bob become engaged.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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